Since yesterday was a nice and long run, I was a little sore today and didn't exactly feel like running... but I had to anyway. Got my lazy butt out the door and went over to House Mountain and ran the trails up and down 3 times. Afterwards, I took a little nap and then woke up, went to the gym... and thus concludes my day.
Here's what I did today:
9.72 miles in 2:02:08 (12:33 min/mile average)
.5 mile walk (treadmill)
3.5 mile run (treadmill)
20 pull ups
50 push ups
Again, not too much, but I was being a little lazy after going overboard the day before. Now to rest and have a great peaceful day tomorrow. Hoping to recover enough so that the next week I'll be able to jump up another level... we'll see what happens!
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